教員名 Thomas Legge


メールアドレス tomlegge
研究室番号 聖アンデレ館9階 910号
論文: Online Study Abroad – A Case Study of Japanese University Students’ Experiences of Studying English Online 単著 2023年10月 人間文化研 究(19号)97-132

An Exploratory Study of an Online English Class Taught Under the COVID-19 Pandemic. Student and Teacher Perspectives of a Bespoke Online Class, Created to Increase Learner Motivation, Collaboration, and Independent Learning. 単著 2021年10月人間文化研究(15号)129-175

A case study of online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic- How a bespoke online approach can affect collaboration,motivation and student performance. 単著 2021年3月人間文化研究(14号)351-376

Raising awareness: Measures to raise awareness in a study abroad preparation program 共著 2020年10月人間文化研究(13号)共著: Wagner, A. 1-34

Awareness as an indicator of success in a study abroad preparation program. 共著 2019年12月人間文化研究(11号)共著: Wagner, A. 43-79
所属学会 NPO JALT (全国語学教育学会) – Member (会員)
NPO JALT Study Abroad Special Interest Group (全国語学教育学会海外留学研究部会) – President (部会代表)