教員名 櫻井 結花

商学 博士

メールアドレス ysakurai
研究室番号 聖アンデレ館8階 827号

Y.Sakurai (2014) “Uniqlo goes global” (a case study) in Hill, C.H.W., T. Cronk and R. Wickramasekera, Global Business Today: Asia-Pacific Edition, Chapter 9, McGraw Hill, Australia.

Y.Sakurai (2001) “Cross-cultural interactions in overseas subsidiaries of Japanese multinational corporations” in Cooperatives Strategy & Multi-Organisational Partnerships (ed) by T. Taillieu, Garant, Lueven-Apeldoorn. pp.293-300.


X.Yang,Y.Lim, Y.Sakurai & S. Seo (2009) “Internationalization of Chinese and Korean Firms: A Diamond Approach” Thunderbird International Business Review. 51:1 .

Y. Sakurai & V. Braithwaite (2003) “Taxpayers' perceptions of practitioners: Finding one who is effective and does the right thing?” Journal of Business Ethics. 46, 375-387.

Y. Sakurai (2002) “Comparing cross-cultural regulatory styles and processes in dealing with transfer pricing”, International Journal of the Sociology of Law. 30: 3, 173-199.



所属学会 国際ビジネス研究学会、異文化経営学会、Academy of International Business