

Comments For IWC30



学長 牧野 丹奈子


学院長 磯 晴久

It is an honor for me to get the opportunity to deliver something related with the partnership between St. Andrew’s University and Protestant Christian Church in Bali that has been worked for a long time.
First of all, I would like to say that it is such a great partnership which was started with Work Camp in February 1987. This partnership showed the loyalty and perseverance from both sides, especially from St. Andrew’s University. It is such good achievement if we see from sincerity, perseverance, and loyalty point of views that St. Andrew’s University conducted the Work Camp for thirty years without ceasing, because usually this kind of activity will be only done several times. However, we can see now that the partnership between Bali Church and St. Andrew’s University has worked for thirty years through thirty times of Work Camps. What a marvelous thing!
Moreover, it is also proven that both sides see and feel that this partnership has given positive impact to both sides. If one side thinks that this partnership is not useful, there will not be any continuance of this partnership. For Bali Church, especially for the children in the orphanage, the Work Camp has given great experience and lesson for their lives. They learnt how to be more open toward the things outside them that also bring positive values. They learnt how to behave through the students of St. Andrew’s University who come from very highly developed country but willing to visit a village and do some modest activities with the children. Furthermore, the students of St. Andrew’s University are also care to the children in the orphanage. It is such good attitude to be followed. We really hope that the orphanage children will learn about how to be humble. We all know that Christianity puts humbleness as the greatest value. Matthew 18:1-5 teaches us that if we don’t want to change and become like little children, we will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, the lessons that were given from the students of St. Andrew’s University, Osaka to the orphanage children are very important.
Besides that, the children also learn about perseverance and loyalty. These things are very useful in our lives. Perseverance and loyalty are crucial if we see from social and work ethic. Of course it is not my authority to explain about the benefits of the Work Camp for the students of St. Andrew’s University.
In my opinion, the partnership in a form of Work Camp should be continued because it is very useful. From the previous experience, we can learn and see which things that should be improved in order to be more optimal. We might need to think another form of partnership between St. Andrew’s University and Dhyana Pura University. The partnership might not be enough if only work in social level. If it is between universities, it can be improved into management and academic level.
I would like to express my gratitude to the whole family of St. Andrew’s University that has been faithful for thirty years by doing the partnership with the Protestant Christian Church in Bali, especially with Widhya Asih Bali Foundation and Dhyana Pura University. Furthermore, I am so thankful with Mr. Shin-ichi Shimizu, Director of Christian Centre, St. Andrew’s University, Professor (Faculty of International Studies and Liberal Arts). God bless you.
Yours sincerely,

Bishop Em. Dr. Ketut Waspada


今年度は、実施30年であり、インドネシア・ブリンビンサリ村において「国際ワークキャンプ実施30回記念式典」を開催されることを大学より知らせていただきました。私たちは、日頃から、30周年記念の時にはインドネシアに行き、援助してきたワークキャンプを直に見て来ようという話をしていましたので、有志3名が同行させていただきました。同行日程は、8月24日から8月28日までの5日間です。この5日間で私達は、参加学生達との交流、ワークキャンプ地であるブリンビンサリ村の見学及び児童養護施設での入村式、地元の教会での「国際ワークキャンプ実施30回記念式典」、ブリンビンサリ村以外の児童養護施設の見学等々、学ぶべき多くの見学・体験をさせていただきました。 今回のインドネシアワークキャンプ参加の中で私が一番感動をしたことは、桃山学院大学とブリンビンサリ村の人々との信頼関係の強さです。国際ワークキャンプ30年でプリンビンサリ村での活動は15年であります。この15年で培ってきた大学と学生達の活動がしっかりと地域に根を下ろした活動になっているなということが、入村式・記念式典を通してひしひしと伝わってきました。また、記念式典は村の人々こぞって参加されており、厳粛な中にもワークキャンプに係っている人々、学生、大学、その他係わっている人々全員の宝であるという熱い思いが感じられる式典でした。
私は、今回の国際ワークキャンプ(インドネシア)に参加させていただき、確信が持てたことがあります。それは、教育後援会がインドネシアワークキャンプに対し、30年間国際交流援助として費用援助を行ってきたことの誇りと喜びであります。 今回、30年というひとつの節目を迎えました。次なる40周年に向かって、教育後援会は国際ワークキャンプ(インドネシア)の取り組みに協力して参りたいと念願致し、益々のご活躍、ご発展を心より祈念申し上げます。

会長 竹井 源五

30年前と言えば、大学も登美丘学舎の時代で当時の大学からすれば画期的な企画ではなかったかと思います。提案から企画、各関係先との交渉、準備、運営等々多くの課題を克服されてのIWC実施。経験のない私にとっては想像の域を超えませんが、当時大変なご苦労をなされたかと想像いたします。 それ故ご苦労が多かった分、この行事の終えた充実感と達成感、言葉が通じない人との心のふれあい、何物にも代えがたい経験であり喜びと感動に包まれていたのではないでしょうか。

会長 上原 猛

I am happy to participate in the International Work Camp of St.Andrew's University from its 3rd Work Camp in 1989 when, at that time, I was a Caregiver of Widhya Asih Care Centre in Blimbingsari. My first understanding about the meaning of the Work Camp itself if its translated into Indonesian phrase is “Gotong Royong” which is in English means “mutual aid”, working together for the benefits of the residents living in the same community that is, in our community, is to improve the quality of impoverished children’s welfare in Bali.
My happiness even continued when I had an opportunity to learn about Child Welfare and Japanese Language at St. Andrew’s University for 2 years from 1997 to 1999, then was assigned to be the Coordinator of International Work Camp’s implementation in Bali until its 30th programs. I have gained more and more valuable experience and new friendships in every year of IWC programs.
The International Work Camp has been annual program arranged for 30 years in which I believe lasted because of following reasons: (1) the Protestant Christian Church in Bali through Widhya Asih Bali Foundation has grown strong relationship with St. Andrew's University and maintained their good partnership very well, (2) both sides (Widhya Asih and St. Andrew’s University) stand on and are driven in the same vision and mission that together we can change the lives of children and people in Bali by providing nourishing food, safe and hygienic living space, access to formal education and additional training in wholesome values and productive life skills to the children, (3) The IWC benefits to both sides: I have seen a growing sense of unity, increasing sense of togetherness and has made the works way easier, and (4) because of the local community and government involvement and responsibility to arrange accommodation and to ensure the safety of particcipants during the IWC program implementation.
Over the past of 30 years of IWC program, it has brought positive impact and significant changes towards a better society in Bali; there are more than thousands of children now having their lives and are able access their rights to education, the facilities of Widhya Asih Melaya Care Centre has been built with the contibution of the IWC programs, our children who sucessfully finish High School now have moved on to self-sustaining life situation in their communities which means they are now able to help themselves.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank you to St. Andrew’s University in Osaka Japan and to Dhyana Pura University , in particular I want to thank you to students and lecturers as the escorts for the time you spent on IWC program, to the Government of Jembrana Regency, Community of Melaya and Blimbingsari Village and to local Schools in District of Melaya for putting their great time and effort into making this IWC Annual Program run smoothly. We hope that this program will continue in the future.

I Nengah Swikrama, S.Pd
Former Director of Widhya Asih Foundation


111月5日(土) 14時より実施30回記念式典、第30回国際ワークキャンプ参加学生による報告会、そして記念シンポジウムを開催しました。当日は天候にも恵まれ、130名あまりの方々が来場されました。


国際ワークキャンプ(インドネシア)実施30回記念行事の模様はACTIVITIES -活動日誌-に掲載しています。


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