


Stop thinking of English as a “foreign” language!

Adrian Wagner


Currently, I am mostly exploring theories regarding second language acquisition (第二言語習得) and applying them to educational practice. My goal is to help students become better at learning language independently. Also, I enjoy learning about and teaching students about the rich variation in how English is written and spoken around the world(英語の多様性). Finally, I am working with our partners overseas to provide a wide variety of study abroad opportunities for our students and welcome more international students to our university.


English is not just something you have to study to pass a test. It is not only the language of countries such as England, Australia and the United states. English has become the lingua franca(共通語)of Planet Earth. It is a valuable tool and your bridge to the world. It is estimated that about 1.5 billion people speak English. Only about 400 million of them are native speakers (母語話者). This means that more people speak English as a second language than as a first language. Around the world, English ability is becoming standard and expected of everyone. (英語ができる=当たり前!). I want Momoyama students to think of English not as a foreign language (外国語) but as a second language (第二言語). At Momoyama, I would like our university to be a place where students not only come to “study” English, but also start to “use” English, every day. Use English to obtain new information. Use English to make friends. Use English to get a job. Use English as your bridge to the world.



  • foreign language
  • second language
  • lingua franca
  • 世界への架け橋